Joe's Farm
- Part of the Sweet-n-Sticky Trail
Get fresh, organic produce for your family at Joe's Farm in Bixby! The farm hub is open weekly from March to August with an abundance of fresh produce grown on the farm and other local products; call or email to get on the weekly CSA email list. Come out to the farm to pick your own strawberries, blackberries and flowers (when in season). Also grown on the farm for purchase are tomatoes, peppers, okra, squash, eggplant, and more!
On-Site Activities
- Picnic Area
Joseph Tierney
- 918-938-0077
Follow Us
From Bixby: Travel N. on Hwy. 64/S. Memorial Dr. Turn L. on E. 131st St. In 1 mi., turn right on S. Sheridan Rd. Travel N. for .25 mi. and turn R.