No ads
We refuse to blast users with distracting ads. No more getting chased by pop-ups as you chase down your bus.
Your data is not our business
We don't link your location history to your personal data. And we don't sell your data. It's that simple.
Top-up for more
Transit is free for anyone to use, but we also have features you can pay for with Royale. Thanks to our loyal subscribers and transit agency partners, we get to focus on new features — not ad clicks.
We tailor the app to fit your riders’ needs. We fix hyperlocal data issues, add your branding, let riders buy fares, and support your on-demand and bikeshare systems.
Thousands of riders in your city rely on Transit to discover detours, network changes, and service problems. Deploy the right message to the right folks, with little effort.
We measure satisfaction on different lines, stops, trips, and across your whole network. Use our rider feedback tools to investigate stop cleanliness, safety, and passups when buses get full.
Our vision
Our team believes in the city-saving effects of mass transit. It solves traffic. It reduces our carbon footprint. It frees up urban space for life beyond cars.
By empowering people to ditch their car, we can help cities swap out gas stations for parks, on-street parking for places to eat, and congested streets for ones filled with buses and bicycles that let you zip across the city.
— Literally anyone that uses it