Week 3: Our bill tracker continues to grow - currently we're tracking 115 bills. This update helps you to take action: advocate by speaking in committee or submit written testimony. Follow the link in the tracker. Your comments can help shape these potential policies and actions. Communicate with your legislator by email or using the Legislative Hotline - 1-800-562-6000. Find information on our website or at this link about the legislative process.
CAAA Legislative Update: Week 3
Bill #
Bill Title
Hearing Info
Bill Status
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Updates 20 year-old update definitions and guidance to ensure support for the work of children's advocacy centers in child abuse cases
Potential impact on the community: Establishes statewide and regional peer review of child interviews as a means of quality assurance
HB 1052
Hate Crime Offenses
House Rules
Passed from Community Safety committee to House Rules
Needs a pull to House Floor
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Companion to Senate Bill 5038
What this bill does: Modifies the conduct that constitutes a Hate Crime offense to include when a person commits a specified act in whole or in part because of the person's perception of another person's certain characteristics
Potential impact to the community: Strengthens Hate Crime laws in combatting racism against people of color
HB 1053
Juvenile access to attorney
House Civil Rights & Judiciary committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: provides a juvenile (child under 18 years of age) with access to an attorney for consultation, which may be provided in person, by telephone, or by videoconference, before the juvenile waives any constitutional rights if the juvenile is being questioned during a custodial interrogation, is being detained for probable cause, if the juvenile is being asked for consent to search with exceptions
Potential impact to the community: Clarifies rules regarding access to legal counsel for youth of color
HB 1056
Law Enforcement Misconduct
House Civil Rights & Judiciary committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? Senate Bill 5066
What this bill does: Strengthens and clarifies the authority of the attorney general to address local law enforcement and local corrections agency misconduct through investigations and legal actions
Potential impact to the community: Improve officer and agency accountability with respect to policing, detention, and incarceration practices. Includes authorization for the attorney general's office to investigate and, if necessary, bring suit against law enforcement agencies and local corrections agencies to compel needed reforms where there are violations of constitutional and civil rights
HB 1089
Eviction Reform
House Housing committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In Committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Provides specific instructions on the legal documents/action for proper execution of eviction notices and court proceedings.
Potential impact to the community: Provides clarity and easy to understand information on eviction documents, including how to respond to an eviction summons and legal resource information for the Eviction Defense Screening Line and CLEAR.
HB 1110
DUI Conviction
House Community Safety committee
Heard in committee January 21
Needs a vote out of committee
In Committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Adds exceptions and additional considerations related to the vacating of a DUI conviction
Potential affect on community: Allows a court to vacate a conviction if no other convictions within five years
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Expands and modifies the membership, compensation, and training requirements for the Clemency and Pardons Board. Requires the Department of Corrections to supervise a person granted conditional commutation if community custody is a condition of the commutation.
Potential impact on the community: Encourages additional voices on the Board and enhances public safety
SHB 1136
Student navigational support
House Appropriations committee
Substitute bill passed out of committee January 28
Now in House Appropriations
Pending committee report signature to next committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA) Outreach and Completion Initiative Pilot Program is repealed and a new program is established. Subject to appropriation, the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) must administer a Financial Aid Completion and Postsecondary Enrollment Program (Program) for every Educational Service District (ESD). Outreach specialists created in this bill will assist students with financial aid applications and help accessing private scholarships.
Potential affect on community: Rates of completion for FAFSA and WASFA applications have been lower than expected. Families either believe they are not qualified or have questions about the process. Targeted outreach and completion assistance can help students of color access the funds needed to enter and complete postsecondary education, especially private scholarships that often fund for multiple years and can be utilized for expenses other than tuition.
HB 1151
Ninth grade success grants
House Appropriations committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? Senate Bill 5210
What this bill does: Establishing the ninth grade success grant program
Potential impact on the community: The legislature finds that ninth grade is a pivotal year for students and that ninth grade success is one of the most predictive indicators of on-time graduation. purpose of the grant program is to fund the creation of ninth grade success teams that can identify and support incoming high school students who are at risk of not graduating. the graduation rate for Black students has increased over time. In 2001, 53% of African Americans graduated from high school in Washington state. In 2023, Washington state's 4-year graduation rate reached a record high of 84% however drop out rates are still more than any other racial group.
HB 1179
Property tax value freeze
House Finance committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Property tax valuation freeze for senior citizens and disabled veterans
Potential affect on community: Adds language that maintains property tax exemption eligibility despite cost-of-living social security benefit and SSI adjustments for people of color; establishes guidelines for requalification.
HB 1189
School volunteers / conviction
House Education Committee
Heard in committee January 27
Needs a vote out of committee
In Committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Addresses parental involvement through volunteering in schools after a criminal conviction. For a parent with one or more criminal convictions who has submitted a criminal innocence or rehabilitation-related document addressing each conviction, the school may not deny the parent's volunteer application based on a criminal conviction if the parent signed a statement indicating that the parent has not been convicted of any crime since the date that the criminal innocence or rehabilitation-related document was issued
Potential affect on community: Supports parents who want to volunteer at their child's school. Helps schools attract volunteers. Schools will still perform a criminal records check.
HB 1245
Business development
House Technology & Econ. Development committee
Heard in committee January 22
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Establishes the Office of Entrepreneurship (Office) and describes the various powers and duties of the Office.
Potential affect on community: Promote initiatives, policies, and programs supporting the entrepreneurship of businesses with fewer than 10 employees; identifies government regulations and fees that hinder business formation in the state. work with stakeholders and organizations supporting entrepreneurship to enhance the learning and skills of, provide technical support to, and expand access to resources for entrepreneurs across the state; Serves as a point of contact to assist businesses that have been in operation for not more than five years in their interactions with state agencies and, where appropriate, refer businesses to other state or local agencies that provide assistance to businesses
HB 1262
Health disparities council
House Healthcare & Wellness committee
Public hearing on January 22
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Updates the name, authority, membership, and duties of the governor's interagency coordinating council on health disparities;
Potential affect on community: CAAA is a member of the Council and has worked to promote health outcomes beneficial to the African American Community. Bill adds youth representatives with health inequity lived experiences, adds the affects of climate change as a factor that exacerbates inequities and recognizes racism as a public health crisis
HB 1263
Essential needs program uses
House Early Learning & Human Services committee
Public hearing on January 22
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? Senate Bill 5232
What this bill does: Updates eligible uses for the Essential Needs and Housing Support program. At the discretion of the Dept. of Commerce, low or extremely low income elderly or disabled adults who are transitioning off benefits under RCW 74.04.805, receiving federal social security disability benefits, and still have an immediate housing need. A referral from DSHS is not required for these individuals. Direct cash assistance is allowable.
Potential affect on community: Housing stability for vulnerable populations of color
HB 1272
Children in crisis program
House Appropriations committee
Passed to House Appropriations January 24
Needs a vote to House Rules committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Reauthorizes the Children and Youth Multisystem Care Coordinator - RCW. 43.06.535. Current position set to expire June 2025
Potential affect on community: Protections and resources for children of color in crisis
HB 1273
Dual credit program access
Referred to House Education committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Improves student access to dual credit programs including career and technical education dual credit programs
Potential affect on community: Improves student outcomes and access to higher education for students of color
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Retroactively applying the requirement to exclude certain juvenile convictions from an offender score regardless of the date of the offense
Potential affect on community: Past legislation assigned "juvenile points" to lengthen state prison sentences. The legislature finds that black, indigenous, and people of color are disproportionately impacted by prior juvenile felony adjudications.
This bill finds any person sentenced for an offense committed prior to July 17, 2023, whose offender score was increased due to any juvenile adjudications that are not scorable and entitled to a resentencing hearing upon petition for relief to the court. Establishes guidelines for those currently incarcerated under the previous requirement.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Makes financial education instruction a graduation requirement in public schools
Potential affect on community: Knowledge of personal finance is critical to the economic well-being of students of color to navigate the complicated financial issues of modern life, including household budgets, consumer debt, loan applications and obligations, and successful retirement planning.
HB 1295
Reading and writing literacy
House Education committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Using evidence-based instructional practices in reading and writing literacy for public elementary students. Recent research shows African American and Hispanic children less likely to be identified as dyslexic through school screening programs. Requires preservice and in-service elementary educators be trained to teach students to read and write using evidence-based instructional practices in early learning that is culturally relevant, high quality and rich in knowledge
Potential affect on community: Improved learning outcomes for students of color
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Promoting a safe and supportive public education system through student rights, parental and guardian rights, employee protections, and requirements for state and local education entities
Potential affect on community: Each school district must adopt or amend if necessary policies and procedures that incorporate the office of the superintendent of public instruction's rules and guidelines to eliminate discrimination in public schools on the basis of gender expression and gender identity; address the unique challenges and needs faced by transgender students and gender-expansive students in public schools
Policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation, and bullying of transgender students and gender-expansive students must be shared with parents, guardians, students, volunteers, and school employees
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5231
What this bill does: Reduces fees and expenses for services for people confined in state facilities
Potential affect on community: Department of Corrections is directed to provide tablets to all persons in custody at no cost for the purpose of voice communication/communication service. DOC will not receive revenue, commission or fee from this provision. These services will not supplant in-person contact visits for eligible persons, For DCYF, tablets will be provided without cost. The contract for telecommunication services will be posted on the DOC website as well as fees for money transfers and rates for services. African American incarceration is disproportionate when considering statewide African American population
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Adds environmental justice to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review process, including the elements of the environment considered under SEPA and the SEPA checklist filled out by project proponents or SEPA lead agencies. Requires SEPA lead agencies to complete an environmental justice impact statement, meeting specified substantive criteria and following specified processes, for potentially impactful projects in certain communities. Prohibits, under the Clean Air Act, approvals for certain new air contaminant sources located in specified communities
Potential impact on the community: Many African American communities are pollution-burdened. Extending environmental justice within communities of color.
HB 1307
House Finance Committee
Child care product sales tax
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Eases the financial burden on families by removing sales and use tax on diapers and essential child care products
Potential affect on community: Financial hardship disproportionately impacts families with infants and young children, especially in communities of color, with data showing that one in two families struggle to afford necessities like diapers. Some community resource centers already distribute diapers. Vouchers for diapers are already provided for TANF clients by DSHS
The inability to afford these supplies can lead to health risks and emotional stress, impacting both family members who provide are and the individuals who rely on these essentials for daily living. The legislature finds that one in four parents have missed work or school because they could not afford diapers. Similarly, families who must choose between essential incontinence products for adults and other critical needs may face diminished economic stability, limited job opportunities, and increased stress, further impacting the well-being of families
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Modifies the length of long sentences for offenses committed by those prior to reaching 21 years of age if certain conditions are met
Potential affect on community: Sentencing for Black males is generally 13.4 percent longer than that of others. This may be a step towards criminal justice reform efforts specifically for Black inmates with longer sentences
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5296
What this bill does: Improves outcomes for individuals adjudicated of juvenile offenses by increasing opportunities for community placement options
Potential affect on community: In sentencing juveniles, the court shall make an independent finding, supported by clear and convincing evidence, that commitment to an institution is needed because a community-based placement would not adequately protect the community.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Amends rules regarding background checks for the licensing and screening of employees and volunteers under the national child protection act of 1993
Potential impact on the community: Fingerprints must be searched by the Washington state patrol prior to being forwarded to the federal bureau of investigation for a national search. In order to participate in this program qualified entities and federally recognized tribes must: (a) Notify the covered individual that: (i) They have the right to obtain a copy of their own state and federal criminal history record from the agency that conducted the fingerprint check within a specified amount of time determined by the qualified entity; (ii) They have the right to appeal the results of the criminal history record to challenge the accuracy or completion of information in the criminal history record
HB 1387
Prevailing wage/public works
House Labor & Workplace committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? Senate Bill 5293
What this bill does: Changes the prevailing wage for contracts bid or awarded after June 1, 2027
Potential affect on community: Rate that represents the majority of workers, laborers, or mechanics in the same trade or occupation under the collective bargaining agreements is determined
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Removes references to the community protection program from statute
Potential impact on the community: If an eligible person is offered and refuses CPP services, the person may only receive case management services and personal care services
HB 1391
Court alternatives/youth
House Early Learning & Human Services committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? Senate Bill 5426
What this bill does: Improving developmentally appropriate alternatives for youth outside the formal court process
Potential impact on the community: Removes diversion agreements and successfully completed diversions from a youth's criminal history. Requires the Department of Children, Youth, and Families to establish a grant program and seek advice on how to prioritize distribution of those funds for community-based programs. Creates new diversion data reporting requirements for the Administrative Office of the Courts
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5531
What this bill does: Streamlining the home care worker background check process
Potential impact on the community: Provides conditions under which an employer may not conduct a character, competence, and sustainability review for long-term care providers. Allows long-term care providers to have unsupervised access of children and vulnerable adults for up to 30 days while a character, competency, and sustainability review is conducted under certain circumstances. Limits the circumstances under which a fingerprint-based background check is conducted on a long-term care provider.
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5352
What this bill does: increasing student access to free meals served at public schools
Potential affect on community: Financial challenges that can create barriers to academic achievement, the legislature declares that no student should ever experience hunger or food insecurity within a public school. African American students compose approximately 18% of the public school student population in Washington state
HB 1407
Graffiti or other damage to property
House Community Safety committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Discourage graffiti and other malicious mischief crimes
Potential impact on the community: A court shall order the offender to perform at least 40 hours of community restitution / community service hours of actual damage cleanup as a court-issued punishment
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5460
What this bill does: Funding for community preservation and development authorities
Potential impact on the community: Use of funding for specified objectives, including assisting small businesses, repairing unreinforced masonry, addressing litter, addressing housing needs, and supporting homelessness remediation and outreach. Requires a portion of the sales and use tax collected on retail sales at certain stadiums to be deposited into the Community Preservation and Development Authority's Account (CPDA). Requires each CPDA to submit a biennial report on strategic plans, use of funding, and impacts on their communities.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Prohibits government purchases of opioid overdose reversal medications from certain entities
Potential impact on the community: A state agency, county, city, or town may not purchase an opioid overdose reversal medication from an entity, including the entity's affiliates or subsidiaries, which at the time of purchase, has been a party to settlement with any state government over claims of having participated in causing or fueling the opioid epidemic.
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5291
What this bill does: Implementing the recommendations of the long-term services and supports trust commission
Potential impact on the community: Prohibits out-of-state participants from withdrawing from the Long Term Services and Supports Trust Program (Program).Make the exemption from the Program automatic for active-duty military service members with off-duty civilian work. Allows an exempt employee who previously attested to having long-term care insurance to rescind the exemption prior to July 1, 2028. Allows for a limited pilot program in 2026 to assess the Program's processes and system capacities. Creates standards and requirements for supplemental long-term care insurance policies designed for coverage after Program benefits are exhausted.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Increasing tobacco and vapor products taxes
Potential impact on the community: Generates revenue and funds the Andy Hill cancer research endowment fund, and public health services account
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Establishes a carbon tax on cigarettes
Potential impact on the community: Generates revenue for the General Fund
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Creates a Transition to Kindergarten program;
Potential impact on the community: Establishes a transition to kindergarten program that meets early learning standards in lieu of transitional kindergarten programs and to help fill in gaps in access to high quality early learning for eligible children
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Expanding time limit exemptions applicable to cash assistance programs
Potential impact on the community: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families time limit extensions by reason of: By reason of hardship, includes a child or youth without a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence as described in the federal McKinney-Vento homeless assistance act, recipient received TANF during a month on or after March 1, 2020, when Washington state's unemployment rate as published by the Washington employment security department was equal to or greater than seven percent, and the recipient is otherwise eligible for TANF except that they have exceeded 60 months.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Addresses home equity sharing agreements
Potential affect on community: Establishes a new chapter in statute, licensing, and application and background checks, fees and surety bonds for the purpose of home equity sharing agreements
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5442
What this bill does: Establishes a college promise pilot program
Potential affect on community: Provides student services in ten (10) counties across Eastern Washington and is headquartered in a county east of the crest of the Cascade mountains to establish a college promise pilot program beginning in the 2025-26 academic year. The college promise pilot program must select a minimum of 100 students per year within a 10-county region served by a single regional promise program to receive up to $5,000 annually for tuition and fees. Eligible recipients are students have graduated from a high school within the 10-county region; have enrolled in an institution of higher education, an apprenticeship, or other postsecondary credential program located within the 10-county region within one year of graduating high school
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5254
What this bill does: Strengthens patient's rights regarding their health care information
Potential affect on community: Places caps on the fee a facility may charge for health information to the patient, patient representative, attorney, provider or facility
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Abolishes interest on previously imposed legal financial obligations after July 1, 2028
Potential affect on community: Can provide some relief on communities of color who struggle to pay LFOs
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Furthers digital equity and opportunity
Potential affect on community: The statewide broadband office is established to encourage, foster, develop, and improve affordable, quality broadband and digital equity within the state. Improves broadband accessibility and adoption for unserved and underserved communities and populations
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Concerns family reconciliation services
Potential affect on community: Offers contracts to expand family reconciliation services in two regions on the west side and one on the east side of the Cascades
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Improving traffic safety
Potential affect on community: A grant program is established to support local initiatives that provide solution-oriented responses to nonmoving violations for low-income road users
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: protecting public health and safety by enhancing the regulation of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products
Potential impact on the community: Anyone subject to a fine of $500 for underage sales. If a retailer, licenses can be suspended or revoked. Increasing penalties for subsequent violations. Purchaser must present proof of age / lack of knowledge of age is not a viable defense in these proceedings. A retailer may only obtain vapor products only from a licensed distributor. Seeks to curtail underage usage of said products.
HB 1536
Juveniles/firearm possession
House Early Learning & Human Services committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Unlawful possession of a firearm by a juvenile
Potential impact on the community: Enhances legal interventions available to provide necessary accountability for young people found to possess firearms and to incentivize behavior change. Establishes penalties.
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5304
What this bill does: Expands the Students Experiencing Homelessness program to include a tribal college
Potential impact on the community: Enacting legislation after the 2019 SB 5800 establishing a pilot program providing assistance to students experiencing homelessness. The participating community and technical colleges (CTCs) and four-year institutions must provide accommodations to homeless students and students who were in foster care at high school graduation. The accommodations may include: ā¢ access to laundry facilities, storage, locker rooms and showers, and technology; ā¢ reduced-price meals or meal plans; ā¢ access to short-term housing or housing assistance, especially during seasonal breaks; and ā¢ case management services.
HB 1547
Student mental health net.
House Education committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? Senate Bill 5126
What this bill does: Establishing a statewide network for student mental and behavioral health
Potential impact on the community: Directs OSPI to provide strategic direction and state-level coordination to help schools better identify and connect students to behavioral health supports. Establishes a regional school-based mental and behavioral health student assistance program through the educational service districts. Creates a grant program to support school districts in developing and implementing a plan for recognition, screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students.
HB 1551
Cannabis social equity program
House Consumer Protection & Business committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Extending the cannabis social equity program to evaluate the program and implement efficiencies
Potential impact on the community: The legislature intends to extend and evaluate the cannabis social equity program, and conduct a review and analysis of the first round of licensing and grant awards that was recently conducted before 2025, to support the successful implementation of the cannabis social equity program.
HB 1554
College bound scholarship
House Postsecondary Education & Workforce committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? Senate Bill 5543
What this bill does:
Potential impact on the community: An eligible student to receive a college bound scholarship meets these requirements: qualified for free or reduced-price lunch, qualified in the seventh, eighth grade, or ninth grade whether eligible or not, was a student in Washington, are between the ages of 18 and 21 and have not graduated from high school; or were adopted between the ages of 14 and 18 with a negotiated adoption agreement that includes continued eligibility for the Washington state college. Every eligible student shall be automatically enrolled by the office of student financial assistance, with no action necessary by the student, student's family, or student's guardians.
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5542
What this bill does: May waive all or a portion of tuition fees and services and activities fees for students ((nineteen years of age or older)) who are eligible for resident tuition and fee rates if their enrollment will yield in a high school diploma
Potential impact on the community: Tuition waivers for those completing the Running Start program. According to the Washington State Student Achievement Council, African American students are 70% more likely to enroll in pre-college courses
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Adopt by rule, minimum standards for degree-granting institutions
Potential impact on the community: Protects the public with rules that require that an institution operating in Washington when granting of degrees; , quality of education, unfair business practices, financial stability, and other necessary measures to protect citizens of this state against substandard, fraudulent, or deceptive practices.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Increases the statewide 988 behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention line tax
Potential impact on the community: Critical to provide funding to enable greater access to crisis care services and supports
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Creates the children's social equity land trust
Potential impact on the community: Creates a permanent children's social equity land trust that will utilize the trust management expertise of the Department of Natural Resources to deliver much needed revenue for child care programs while prioritizing funding for child care deserts to assist families with access to child care where the need is greatest
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5378
What this bill does: Expands access to grants within the paid family and medical leave insurance program for small school districts
Potential impact on the community: Provides parity. To equitably balance the risks among employers, the legislature intends to assist small businesses and small school districts with the costs of an employee's use of family or medical leave. Helps smaller businesses. An employer may receive a grant of up to one thousand dollars as reimbursement for significant additional wage-related costs due to the employee's leave
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5480
What this bill does: Protecting consumers by removing barriers created by medical debt
Potential impact on the community: A medical debt becomes void and unenforceable if a person, health care provider, health care facility, or licensed collection agency furnishes information regarding the medical debt to a consumer credit reporting agency,
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: School districts and public school behavioral health support for students
Potential impact on the community: Provides technical assistance and training network is established to provide school districts and public schools a network of statewide and regional partners with specific experience and capacity to provide behavioral health-related training to schools. Partners may include the educational service districts, academic centers of excellence, and community-based organizations
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Relates non-firearm measures to increase school safety for students and staff
Potential impact on the community: Creates a school safety data dashboard that will be accessible to the public for transparency. Employs a full-time school resource officer to promote a safe learning environment. All school districts lawful and reasonable rules shall prescribe the substantive and procedural due process guaranteed to pupils in the common schools. Provides grants for school safety projects that make physical improvements intended to advance the safety or security of a school facility
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Addressing the safety and health of working minors
Potential impact on the community: Issues citations to employers who violates minor employment rules
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Provides free access to technical college
Potential impact on the community: The Washington 13 free guarantee is established to provide up to 45 credits of tuition-free technical college for eligible students regardless of income beginning in the 2027-28 academic year
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5149
What this bill does: Expands the early childhood court program
Potential impact on the community: Historical and ongoing impact of systemic racism within child welfare, especially as it affects Black, indigenous, and marginalized families. Allows use early childhood court federal funding to provide upstream supports, services, and resources to families at risk of entering the dependency system
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Reporting information related to racial disproportionality in child welfare
Potential impact on the community: Outcome measures used by the department to gauge improvement in addressing racial disproportionality in child welfare: Recommendations regarding policy, practice, or funding changes that could reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare; Updates on implementing the child welfare redesign
Companion bill? Senate Bill 5541
What this bill does: Tool to end generational poverty
Potential impact on the community: Suggested that a baby bond program, such as the 2023 Washington future fund proposal, could interrupt the intergenerational cycle of poverty and address the opportunity deficit by providing Washingtonians who were born into and experience persistent poverty the seed capital to invest in themselves and their communities by purchasing a home, pursuing education, or starting a small business
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Separates Independent education agencies and OSPI
Potential impact on the community: Removes the requirement for these education agencies to reside in the office of the superintendent of public instruction for administrative purposes and to allow the state board of education, the Washington professional educator standards board, the Washington state charter school commission, and the financial education public-private partnership to pursue administrative services in a manner that optimizes each agency's business needs efficiently and effectively.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Addressing unsafe public housing
Potential impact on the community: To remedy unsafe low-income housing conditions, public monies may be spent, and other aid given; that it is a proper public purpose for any state public body to aid any housing authority, including social housing public development authorities,
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Compliance with the Washington voting rights act of 2018
Potential impact on the community: Prior to adopting or administering changes to a political subdivision, election district, ward, boundaries, changes of voting site, ballot drop box or anything that may have an effect of diluting or withholding the right to vote on account of race, color or membership in a minority group, a court action must be filed in a Thurston county Superior court
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Strengthening the financial stability of persons in the care the Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF)
Potential impact on the community: When a person is in the care of the department and is not already receiving supplemental security income and retirement, survivors, and disability insurance benefits, the department shall assess whether the person is eligible for such benefits. The department shall screen persons in out-of-home placement for eligibility for such benefits on an ongoing basis
Bill #
Bill Title
Date Heard
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Supporting students who are chronically absent and at risk for not graduating high school
Potential affect on community: Although increasing, the Black high school graduation rate in 2022 was about 80%. In King county, the drop out rate is about 10%, double that of White students. This bill, subject to funding, creates the Building Bridges program - a grant awarded to local partnerships of schools, families and communities for a statewide comprehensive dropout prevention, intervention and retrieval system including supports for students who are chronically absent in middle and high school.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Establishing a loan repayment program for public defense attorneys and prosecutors. Bill offers repayment assistance of $20,000 per year up to a lifetime cap of $120,000 per participant.
Potential affect on community: Financial assistance for law students of color. The cost of law school varies in Washington state however the average tuition at Seattle University is almost 60,000 per year. Some programs offer supports for underrepresented groups. Lawyers of color are needed in our justice system
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Creates an office of the family and children's ombuds within the office of the governor. Investigates, upon the ombud's own initiative or upon receipt of a complaint, an administrative act by DCYF, monitors the procedures of the department and reviews facilities ensuring health and safety including juvenile rehab facilities. Recommends changes in procedures to address the those in the state's care
Potential affect on community: Provides a means of oversight and contact for families of color interacting with DCYF
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: State law requires prevailing wages be paid to laborers, workers, and mechanics employed upon all public works and under all public building service maintenance contracts
Potential affect on community: Requiring certain wages in public works contracts to be at least the prevailing wage in effect when the work is performed. Pay equity
Companion bill? House Bill 1429
What this bill does: Creates a housing assistance program for youth enrolled in extended foster care. The Extended Foster Care Housing Program (program) is established within DCYF to provide rental assistance and associated housing fees to eligible youth. Eligible for the program if they are receiving foster care services and are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of experiencing homelessness. DCYF is to ensure that all eligible youth receive access to rental housing assistance
Potential affect on community: Assistance for foster youth of color who often remain in the foster care system for longer periods and have difficulty transitioning into stable housing when reaching 18 years of age.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Protecting the public from gun violence by establishing additional requirements for the business operations of licensed firearms dealers
Potential affect on community: Reasonable business practices to deter firearm trafficking or the unlawful use firearms.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Creates the Washington dream act service incentive program
Potential affect on community: Establishes the Washington Service Incentive Grant Program to award eligible students for completion of service hours for approved institutions or organizations. Directs the Office of Student Financial Assistance in the Washington Student Achievement Council to disperse grant awards in coordination with institutions of higher education. Specifies award amounts, eligible service, and approved organizations, including limitations on hours and service in political or religious advocacy. Clarifies that, among other requirements, participating students must not qualify for federally funded student financial aid because of their citizenship status in order to qualify for program eligibility
SB 5123
Discrimination in schools
Senate Early Learning & K-12 committee
Heard in committee January 21
Needs a vote out of committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools.
Potential affect on community: Adds protected classes to the nondiscrimination provisions that apply to Washington public schools: ethnicity, homelessness, immigration status, and neurodivergence. Separates sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity into three separate protected classes. Provides definitions for these protected classes that apply to public schools
SB 5164
Student navigational support
Senate Higher Education & Workforce committee
Heard in committee January 16
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Establishes a financial aid training program for high school teachers, and others, to be trained on how to support students in filling out financial aid forms. Requires the Washington Professional Educator Standards Board to offer continuing education credits to in-service educators on the topic of financial aid and private scholarships
Potential affect on community: FAFSA and WASFA utilization has waned over the years in communities of color. These families need assistance in applying for post-secondary education grants, private scholarships and student loans
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Prompt pay recommendations from the capital projects advisory review board
Potential affect on community: Requires payment on public works projects within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed invoice, and all subcontractors to be paid within ten days after payment is received by the prime contractor, with 1 percent interest per month charged on all late payments. Sets forth requirements for public works contracts and modifies requirements for requesting change orders. Adjusts the rate of withholding in good faith disputes from 150 percent to 100 percent. Small businesses have limited resources and need prompt payment.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Ends the sale of flavored tobacco or nicotine product or entertainment vapor product in Washington state after January 1 2026
Potential impact on the community: Protecting the health of all Washingtonians by ending the sale of certain tobacco and nicotine products
SB 5220
City small works rosters
Senate Local Government committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Modifying small works requirements for cities
Potential affect on community: In part, for public works projects, permits a second-class city to construct any public works, as defined in RCW 39.04.010, by contract or day labor without calling for bids therefor whenever the estimated cost of the work or improvement, including cost of materials, supplies and equipment will not exceed the sum of $300,000 and whenever possible the city shall invite at least one proposal from a certified minority or woman contractor who shall otherwise qualify under this section
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Tenant rent, fee limitation
Potential impact on the community: Improves housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, deposits, and terminations. Creates a landlord resource center
SB 5230
Juvenile attorney exceptions
Senate Human Svcs.
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Law enforcement shall provide a juvenile with access to an attorney for consultation, which may be provided in person, by telephone, or by videoconference, before the juvenile waives any constitutional rights if a law enforcement officer, questions, detains, consents to a search, has reasonable suspicion, during a felony traffic offense or serious offense
Potential affect on community: Provides clarity regarding a youth's right to counsel
SB 5253
Special education services
Senate Early Learning / K-12 committee
Heard in committee January 30.
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? House Bill 1257
What this bill does: Providing special education services to students with disabilities until the end of the school year in which the student turns 22. By October 30, 2026, OSPI, DSHS, the department of services for the blind, and any other state agency working with individuals with disabilities must collaborate to update the implementation plan for improving transition planning activities
Potential affect on community: This bill originates from a 2024 lawsuit N.D. v. Reykdal - a class action lawsuit alleging Washington's existing law violated the federal individuals with disabilities education act. Increases instructional hours from 450 to 1000 for kindergarteners. IEP students are permitted to participate in a graduation ceremony and still continue to receive special education services. Students can attend a common school outside of the district of residence
SB 5257
Juvenile firearm sentencing
Senate Human Services committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Modifying sentencing standards for juvenile firearm offenses
Potential affect on community: Needs further review to determine if suggested standards differentiate from current law. A Suspended Disposition Alternative option offers the offender comply with local sanctions and any educational or treatment requirement. These must be research-based best practice programs.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Concerns emergency measures for managing juvenile populations at state juvenile correctional institutions. Facilities are overcrowded and is contributing to high levels of violence and drug use. This impedes the ability of youth to be rehabilitated. Allows an 18 year old to request to be transferred to the Department of Corrections
Potential affect on community: This act is being considered as necessary for public safety. CAAA expresses sincere concern about the safety and actual rehabilitation of youth placement in adult correctional facilities.
SB 5270
Educator support / nurses
Senate Early Learning / K-12 committee
Heard in committee January 29
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? House Bill 1352
What this bill does: Provides mentors to novice nurses in the beginning educator support team program. School districts that receive funding for the beginning educator support team program must prioritize and provide a trained and qualified mentor to any novice school nurse employed by the school district. For the purposes of this subsection, a "novice school nurse" is a registered nurse or an advanced registered nurse practitioner who is in his or her first, second, or third year in a school-based role. Schools targeted for improvement or experiencing an influx of new staff/principals will receive priority based upon appropriated funding.
Potential affect on community: Additional support for new professional staff for schools and districts.
SB 5272
School safety / penalties
Senate Early Learning / K-12 committee
Heard in committee January 30
Need a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? House Bill 1085
What this bill does: Improves school safety by extending penalties for interference by, or intimidation by threat of, force or violence at schools and extracurricular activities and requiring schools to notify the public of such penalties. Designates interference as a gross misdemeanor
Potential affect on community: Provides signage notifying the unlawfulness for any person, singly or in concert with others, to interfere by force or violence with ((any administrator, teacher, classified employee, person under contract with the school or school district, or student of any common school who)) an employee or contractor of a public or private elementary or secondary school, an elementary or secondary student, or an official or volunteer acting as an official for extracurricular athletic activities of elementary or secondary students, while that person is in the peaceful discharge or conduct of his or her duties or studies.
Societal bias awareness may be needed to avoid misinterpretations of actions or intention
SB 5273
Violence prevention services
Senate Health & Long-Term Care committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing
In committee
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Companion Bill? No
What this bill does: Addressing availability of community violence prevention and intervention services. Secures federal financial participation in the costs of providing community violence prevention and intervention services through community violence professionals who provide timely interventions for youth and adults enrolled in a medical assistance program. Referral by a licensed health care provider if the health care provider determines that the enrollee has been violently injured, is at risk of experiencing violent injury, or has experienced chronic exposure to community violence
Potential affect on community: Resources to address the effects of community violence.
SB 5274
Body cameras / corrections
Senate Human Services committee
None scheduled. Needs a hearing
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Regarding body worn cameras within corrections agencies. Creates a pilot program for the use of body worn cameras at Green Hill school by January 1, 2026 and procedure for proper usage
Potential affect on community: Resource to increase safety of employees and residents
SB 5275
Passport to careers program
Senate Higher Education & Workforce committee
Received a public hearing January 23
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Modifying funding and award levels for the passport to careers program, and permitting students eligible for the passport to careers program to automatically qualify as income eligible for the purpose of receiving the Washington College Grant
Potential affect on community: Another means to assist student of color meet the cost of post-secondary education.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Allows transfer a sufficient a sufficient number of juvenile offenders to the department of corrections of in-residence when secure juvenile correctional institution exceeds105 percent of the rated bed capacity and the rehabilitative goals of the institution cannot be met
Potential affect on community: Juveniles in adult facilities may need extra safety measures and accommodations for family visits. Also mental health supports may be needed
SB 5282
Missing Children Advisory board
Senate Law & Justice committee
Heard in committee January 27
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Reestablishing the advisory board for the missing and exploited children task force
Potential affect on community: Missing and exploited African Americans are disproportionately high - making up a larger percentage than the African American population.
SB 5293
Prevailing Wage
Senate Labor & Commerce committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? HB 1387
What this bill does: Addresses prevailing wage rates for trades, and occupations with collective bargaining agreements
Potential affect on community: Adjusts prevailing wage rates for occupations after June 1, 2027
SB 5352
Free school meals
Senate Early Learning / K-12 committee
Public hearing scheduled Tuesday, February 4 at 8:00 AM
In committee
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Sign up to testify / submit written testimony
Companion bill? House Bill 1404
What this bill does: Increasing student access to free meals at public schools
Potential affect on community: Financial challenges that can create barriers to academic achievement, the legislature declares that no student should ever experience hunger or food insecurity within a public school. African American students compose approximately 18% of the public school student population in Washington state
SB 5358
Career & tech education
Senate Early Learning committee
Heard in committee January 30
Needs a vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? House bill 1280
What this bill does: Allocation of state funding that the legislature deems necessary to support school districts
Potential affect on community: funding allocations to school districts be adjusted from the school prototypes based on the actual number of annual average full-time equivalent students in each grade level at each school in the district and not based on the grade-level configuration
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Grant programs fostering community engagement through law enforcement-community partnerships and immersion strategies
Potential affect on community: Creates a project to foster community engagement through neighborhood organizing, law enforcement-community partnerships, youth mobilization, and business engagement.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Addresses student mental health in school settings
Potential affect on community: Supports student mental health, work with at-risk and marginalized students, perform risk assessments, and collaborate with mental health professionals to promote student achievement and create a safe learning environment
Companion bill? HB 1392
What this bill does: Creates the Medicaid Access program
Potential affect on community: The Medicaid Access program account is created in the state treasury and makes payments to health care providers and managed care organizations. Many older African Americans rely on Medicaid as their health care insurer
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Supporting survivors of sexual assault in public elementary and secondary schools
Potential affect on community: Directs the Legislative Youth Advisory Council to lead a collaborative discussion about the requirements for mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect to solicit student feedback and to have students collaborate with relevant agencies and organizations on this topic
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Sets limits on the percentage of courses taught by faculty without tenure track status at community and technical colleges
Potential impact on the community: Colleges shall each adopt a policy concerning the percentage of 10 courses that may be taught at each respective college by faculty without tenure track status. At minimum, the policy must require that no more than 45 percent of courses offered annually may be taught by faculty without tenure track status on and after July 1, 2030
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Concerning public defense
Potential impact on the community: Dictates sharing of public defense services between state, county and cities in fiscal year 2026 with the state responsible for 50 percent of costs. Afterward, the state will be responsible for costs exceeding the five year average stated within the bill.
Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Requires social equity impact analysis in performance audits and legislative public hearings
Potential affect on community: Analysis to include the social equity impact of programs or services. State auditor may offer contracts for this analysis
Companion bill? House Bill 1391
What this bill does: Improving developmentally appropriate alternatives for youth outside the formal court process
Potential affect on community: Strengthens the ability of courts to offer robust diversion services. Contract with community providers to offer diversion. Could have positive outcomes for youth in the justice system
Companion bill? House Bill 1495
What this bill does: council shall collaborate with a registered 501(c)(3) that provides student services in 10 counties across eastern Washington and is headquartered in a county east of the crest of the Cascade mountains
Potential impact on the community: The college promise pilot program must select a minimum of 100 students per year within a 10-county region served by a single regional promise program to receive up to $5,000 annually for tuition and fees. Eligible recipients are students who: Have graduated from a high school, have enrolled in an institution of higher education, an apprenticeship, or other postsecondary credential program located within the 10-county region within one year of graduating high school; completed a free application for federal student aid or a Washington application for state financial aid; and have a family income that does not exceed 150 percent of the state median family income;
Companion bill? House Bill 1266
What this bill does: Creates the Commission on Boys and Men
Potential impact on the community: commission's areas of focus are limited to only the following: Mental and physical health; education and skills; means of livelihood, careers, and financial well-being; fatherhood, family, and relationships; evaluating the causes of the preschool to prison pipeline and developing prevention strategies; and the experiences of boys and men in other court systems.
Companion bill? HB 1177
What this bill does: child welfare housing assistance program
Potential affect on community: Provide housing assistance through the Program after DCYF is no longer providing child welfare or child protective services to the family. Directs DCYF to increase the number of households served by the Program by at least 200 above those served during fiscal year 2025, with a priority on serving families on any wait lists.
SB 5520
Wrongly convicted persons
Senate Law & Justice committee
None scheduled. Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Modifies public defense funding
Potential affect on community: Any person convicted in superior court and subsequently imprisoned for one or more felonies of which he or she is actually innocent may file a claim for compensation from the state. If incapable of filing, an agent may file on the person's behalf
SB 5526
Tobacco, nicotine, & vapor
Senate Labor & Commerce committee
None scheduled.
Needs a hearing
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Regulating tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products
Potential affect on community: Anyone who sells or gives, or permits to be sold or given, any cigar, cigarette, cigarette paper or wrapper, tobacco in any form, alternative nicotine product, or a vapor product to someone under age 21 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor and is liable for a fine of up to $5,000.
SB 5533
Domestic violence/custody
Senate Law & Justice committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? HB 1391
What this bill does: Concerning custody of a child when a parent has a history of domestic violence
Potential affect on community: This bill adds domestic violence to the definition of 'misconduct' when concerning the custody of a child.
SB 5540
Students/unemployment ins.
Senate Labor & Commerce committee
None scheduled
Needs a hearing and/or vote out of committee
In committee
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Companion bill? No
What this bill does: Changes unemployment eligibility for students
Potential affect on community: Allows students to draw unemployment benefits
Companion bill? House Bill 1661
What this bill does:
Potential affect on community: Establishes a Future Fund Pilot Project in the Office of the State Treasurer, to award 40 grants of $25,000 to eligible applicants for expenses for education or the purchase of a home or business. Requires evaluation of the Project's impacts on participants and a report to the Legislature
Companion bill? House Bill 1556
What this bill does: Community & technical college tuition waivers for high school completers
Potential impact on the community: Waives all of tuition fees and services and for children of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, or Washington state patrol officer who lost his or her life or became totally disabled in the line of duty while employed by any public law enforcement agency or full time or volunteer fire department, provided such persons begin their course of study at a community or technical college within ten years of their graduation from high school
Companion bill? House Bill 1554
What this bill does: Equity in eligibility for the college bound scholarship
Potential impact on the community: Expands eligibility to include some students who qualified for free or reduced lunch in grades 9 - 12. These students automatically become enrolled in the College Bound Scholarship and the student and parent are notified of enrollment.
Companion bill? House Bill 1747
What this bill does: Expanding protections for applicants and employees under the Washington fair chance act
Potential impact on the community: Adds restrictions to the nature of questions and actions concerning an job applicant or employee's criminal history