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Construction has concluded
Woodland Ave Project Complete!
About this Project
The Woodland Avenue Construction project will encompass several improvements along Woodland Avenue from Snively Road to Anoka Street, including mill & overlays, bus stop pad installs, and more. In conjunction with this project City of Duluth and St. Louis County are partnering to integrate “green infrastructure” in Hartley Park into this road project. To learn more about the green infrastructure stormwater project visit the website below:
This portion of the project will include the following improvements:
Mill and overlay from Snively Road to Anoka Street
All new curb and gutter
Raised concrete median between Minneapolis Ave and Northfield Street
Conversion from 4-lane roadway to 3-lane with bike lanes
New 5' concrete sidewalk on the west side of Woodland Avenue from Hartley Nature Center entrance to Northfield Street
Enhanced pedestrian crossings at Hartley Nature Center entrance and at Minneapolis Avenue
Raised concrete median at Minneapolis Avenue
On Woodland Ave from Snively Road to Anoka Street
Traffic Impacts
The projects will be constructed under traffic using flaggers and lane shifts. A road closure between St. Paul Avenue and Northfield Street will occur starting 7/9/2024 - 8/10/2024. Access to Hartley Nature Center will be allowed at all times, although the direction of which access will be allowed will be varied throughout the road closure. Signage will be placed indicating how to access Hartley Nature Center.
Woodland Ave Project Complete!
About this Project
The Woodland Avenue Construction project will encompass several improvements along Woodland Avenue from Snively Road to Anoka Street, including mill & overlays, bus stop pad installs, and more. In conjunction with this project City of Duluth and St. Louis County are partnering to integrate “green infrastructure” in Hartley Park into this road project. To learn more about the green infrastructure stormwater project visit the website below:
This portion of the project will include the following improvements:
Mill and overlay from Snively Road to Anoka Street
All new curb and gutter
Raised concrete median between Minneapolis Ave and Northfield Street
Conversion from 4-lane roadway to 3-lane with bike lanes
New 5' concrete sidewalk on the west side of Woodland Avenue from Hartley Nature Center entrance to Northfield Street
Enhanced pedestrian crossings at Hartley Nature Center entrance and at Minneapolis Avenue
Raised concrete median at Minneapolis Avenue
On Woodland Ave from Snively Road to Anoka Street
Traffic Impacts
The projects will be constructed under traffic using flaggers and lane shifts. A road closure between St. Paul Avenue and Northfield Street will occur starting 7/9/2024 - 8/10/2024. Access to Hartley Nature Center will be allowed at all times, although the direction of which access will be allowed will be varied throughout the road closure. Signage will be placed indicating how to access Hartley Nature Center.
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15 Jul 2024
The first milestone of the Hartley Green Infrastructure project was reached on Thursday (7/11) with the setting of the chamber which is a critical piece of the storm water treatment that will help remove trash and solids in the storm water before it reaches the treatment basins.
Construction will occur on Woodland Avenue between Snively Road and Anoka Street between May 20 and August 31. Work will occur Monday through Friday 7:00 am until 7:00 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. No work will occur on Sundays and holidays.
How will I get to my house if I live on this section of roadway?
Houses with no access to a side street will access their homes either by driving through the construction site, or walking on a marked path to their home when road access is not feasible. We will try and keep the amount of time that walking is required to a minimum. Persons with disabilities should contact Steve Krasaway to discuss special accommodations.
Who do I contact if I would like additional work performed on my driveway, yard, or sidewalk?
Please contact the Contractor directly for any additional work you would like performed on your driveway, yard, or sidewalk.
How will I know when there will be a disruption in access to my property?
The Contractor will contact you prior to any disruptions to access to your property to discuss the details on where to park.