Fishing regulation updates
These updated rules were adopted after the current regulation booklet was printed, and supersede those printed regulations. Always check for regulation updates before fishing.
Find crabbing and clamming updates
Regulation updates as of January 3, 2025.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
Aggregate: The total number of fish or shellfish in a bag limit. Generally used where several species make up a combined bag limit, or where a single species bag limit is set for the combined harvest from a specified group of water bodies.
No temporary regulations in place. See permanent regulations.
For more information contact your local ODFW office:
- Tillamook North Coast Watershed District Office (503) 842-2741 (north of the Salmon River).
- Newport District Office Annex (541) 812-8689 (Salmon River south to Umpqua Basin).
Southwest Zone
Regulation updates as of January 3, 2025.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
Temporary harvest restrictions on Illinois, Rogue rivers for winter steelhead seasonTemporary wild winter steelhead harvest limits are in place for the Rogue-South Coast winter steelhead season (Dec. 1, 2024 – Apr. 30, 2025):
Take the regulations with youWe have created a summary of the current permanent and special regulations for coastal fall salmon seasons for each river/basin that you can view on a cell phone.
Aggregate: The total number of fish or shellfish in a bag limit. Generally used where several species make up a combined bag limit, or where a single species bag limit is set for the combined harvest from a specified group of water bodies.
Illinois River
- December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025: In areas of the Illinois River that are open for steelhead angling by permanent rules, retention of wild steelhead is prohibited.
North Umpqua River
- February 1 - June 30: In areas open to to retention of wild Chinook by permanent rule, the daily bag limit for adult wild Chinook salmon is one fish and no more than 10 adult wild Chinook salmon may be kept for the period of February 1 through June 30.
Rogue River
- In areas open for Chinook salmon angling by permanent rules, the Southwest Zone bag limits apply.
- December 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025:
- From the mouth of the Rogue River upstream to the mouth of the Illinois River no more than one wild steelhead may be retained for the period.
- From the mouth of the Illinois River upstream to the Cole Rivers Hatchery Dam, retention of wild steelhead is prohibited.
Umpqua River (Mainstem)
- February 1 - June 30: Retention of wild Chinook salmon is prohibited.
- For more information, contact your local ODFW office:
- Central Point, Rogue Watershed District (541) 826-8774
- Charleston Field Office (541) 888-5515
- Roseburg Umpqua Watershed District Office (541) 440-3353
- Gold Beach Field Office (541) 247-7605
Willamette Zone
Regulation updates as of March 26, 2025.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
- Mouth upstream to the Stark Street Bridge
- Smelt retention allowed March 27, 2025 from 12:00pm to 7:00pm
- Dipnet only from the bank
- Harvest limit is 10 pounds per dipper
- Each dipper must have their own container
- A valid Oregon Fishing License is required for all dippers 12 years and older.
The 10 pound limit is roughly a quarter of a five gallon bucket or a full five quart bucket. Anglers should bring a scale to ensure they do not exceed the limit.
Willamette River
- Lower Willamette River downstream of Willamette Falls (including Multnomah Channel), and that portion of the Clackamas River downstream of the Highway 99 Bridge (just upstream of the confluence with the Willamette).
- Two-rod validation allowed March 1 - Aug. 15, 2025.
- Applies to all game and non-game fish (except sturgeon) when angling is open to hatchery Chinook, hatchery steelhead, trout, or warmwater game fish.
- Kids under the age of 12 do not need a validation to use a second rod in areas where two rods are authorized.
- Willamette River above Willamette Falls, including tributaries.
- Two-rod validation allowed May 1 - July 31, 2025.
- Applies to all game and non-game fish (except sturgeon) when angling is open to hatchery Chinook, hatchery steelhead, trout, or warmwater game fish.
- Kids under the age of 12 do not need a validation to use a second rod in areas where two rods are authorized.
For more information contact your local ODFW office:
- Clackamas (971) 673-6000
- Corvallis (541) 757-4186
- Springfield (541) 726-3515
Central Zone
Regulation updates as of October 30, 2024.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
No temporary regulations in place. See permanent regulations.
For more information contact your local ODFW office:
- The Dalles (541) 296-4628
- Prineville (541) 447-5111
- Bend (541) 388-6363
Southeast Zone
Regulation updates as of Jan. 2, 2024.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
No temporary regulations in place. See permanent regulations.
For more information contact your local ODFW office:
- Hines (541) 573-6582
- Lakeview (541) 947-2950
- Ontario (541) 889-6975
- Klamath Falls (541) 883-5732
- La Grande (541) 963-2138
Northeast Zone
Regulation updates as of October 31, 2024.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
McKay Creek
- Reminder: McKay Creek is closed to angling for salmon and steelhead by permanent rule.
For more information contact your local ODFW office:
- Enterprise (541) 426-3279
- John Day (541) 575-1167
- La Grande (541) 963-2138
- Pendleton (541) 276-2344
Snake Zone
Regulation updates as of Oct. 9, 2023.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
No temporary regulations in place. See permanent regulations.
- For more information contact your local ODFW office:
- Enterprise (541) 426-3279
Columbia Zone
Regulation updates as of March 11, 2025.
The following regulations reflect changes or additions to the permanent regulations listed in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. Please see e-regulations.
Columbia River
Salmon, steelhead, and shad
Buoy 10 upstream to the Oregon/Washington State Line
- Permanent rules are in effect during January 1 – February 28 downstream of Bonneville Dam and January 1 – March 31 upstream of Bonneville Dam.
Buoy 10 upstream to Bonneville Dam
- Effective March 1 – April 6: the following area, retention, and daily bag limit regulations apply:
- Area definition: Buoy 10 line upstream to Beacon Rock plus only the Oregon and Washington banks from Beacon Rock upstream to the Bonneville Dam deadline.
- Legal upstream boat boundary defined as: A deadline marker on the Oregon bank (approximately four miles downstream from Bonneville Dam Powerhouse One) in a straight line through the western tip of Pierce Island to a deadline marker on the Washington bank at Beacon Rock.
- Retention allowed: open for hatchery Chinook and hatchery steelhead. Shad may also be retained.
- Daily bag limit: two adult hatchery salmonids (Chinook or steelhead) per day, but only one may be a Chinook.
- All other permanent regulations apply.
- Area definition: Buoy 10 line upstream to Beacon Rock plus only the Oregon and Washington banks from Beacon Rock upstream to the Bonneville Dam deadline.
Bonneville Dam upstream to the Oregon/Washington State Line (upstream of McNary Dam)
- Effective April 1–26: the following area, retention, and daily bag limit regulations apply:
- Area definition: Tower Island power lines (approximately six miles downstream of The Dalles Dam) upstream to Oregon/Washington state line, plus only the Oregon and Washington banks from Bonneville Dam upstream to the Tower Island power lines.
- Retention allowed: open for hatchery Chinook and hatchery steelhead.
- Daily bag limit: two adult hatchery salmonids (Chinook or steelhead) per day, but only one may be a Chinook.
- All other permanent regulations apply.
Select Areas
- Effective March 1 – June 15: On days when the mainstem Columbia River recreational fishery downstream of Bonneville Dam is open to retention of Chinook, the salmonid daily bag limit in Oregon and Washington Select Areas will be the same as mainstem Columbia River bag limits. On days when the mainstem Columbia River recreational fishery downstream of Bonneville Dam is closed to Chinook retention, the permanent salmonid bag limit regulations for Select Areas apply.
See 2025 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for legal size, daily and annual bag limits, and sanctuary closure areas.
Columbia River Mainstem and Reservoirs: Buoy 10 to McNary Dam
- Except as listed below, retention of sturgeon is closed. Catch-and-release fishing is allowed except in the sanctuary areas downstream from Bonneville, The Dalles, John Day, and McNary dams during May 1 – August 31.
- The annual statewide bag limit is two fish, applicable to any/all 2025 retention fisheries.
- Season: Open Monday, January 1 – Thursday, March 13.
- Area: Mainstem Columbia River from John Day Dam to McNary Dam, and all adjacent tributaries.
- Legal size: 43-inch minimum and 54-inch maximum fork length (fork length is measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the fork in the caudal fin (tail) with the fish laying on its side on a flat surface, with the tape measure/ruler positioned flat under the fish.
- Bag limit: One fish daily.
Marine Zone
Looking for the latest crabbing and clamming updates?
Regulation updates as of August 23, 2024
These are in-season regulation changes adopted on a temporary or emergency basis or adopted after the regulation book was printed. Please see e-regulations for permanent regulations.
Recreational Fixed-Gear Fishing Fleet Advisory (pdf) (posted August 23, 2024)
See the Oregon ocean salmon sport regulations page
See the pacific halibut page
See the sport bottomfish seasons page
Yelloweye and quillback rockfish are prohibited at all times and in all waters.
Cabezon are prohibited from January 1 - June 30, 2025.
Every vessel fishing for or possessing bottomfish, Pacific halibut, or flatfish in the ocean must have a functional descending device on board, regardless of depth. The device must be used to release any rockfish outside of 30 fathoms.
For more information contact your local ODFW office:
Marine Resources Program Main Office (541) 867-4741