Teacher Retention
The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) remains committed to supporting teacher and principal retention across the District. In the 2024-25 school year, 84 percent of teachers were retained as teachers in DC, and 76 percent of teachers were retained as teachers in the same school as the previous school year. The same-school retention rate in 2024-25 increased by 2 percentage points from the previous school year’s 74 percent.
Over the last five years, DC has consistently retained teachers at rates of 80 percent or higher. Over the last three years, same-school and citywide retention rates have steadily increased alongside historic investments in teacher preparation, development, and retention.
Five-Year Average
On average*, over the past five school years, 84 percent of teachers have been retained as teachers in DC, and 75 percent of teachers have been retained as teachers in the same school.
*This is an average weighted by the total number of public and public charter teachers in DC each year.
Retention by Ward
During the 2024-25 school year, the rate at which teachers remained in the same school varied by geographic ward. For the second year in a row, Ward 3 reported the highest teacher retention rate, with 84 percent of teachers retained at the same school, and Ward 8 reported the lowest, with 72 percent retained. Notably, Ward 1 teacher retention increased by 5 percentage points and Ward 2 teacher retention increased by 6 percentage points between school years 2023-24 and 2024-25.
Principal Retention
In the 2024-25 school year, 83 percent of principals were retained as principals in DC, and 78 percent of principals were retained as principals in the same school as the previous school year. The same-school retention rate remained stable from the previous school year’s 74 percent, and the rate at which principals were retained in DC increased by four percentage points.
Educator Retention Briefs
Every school year, OSSE publishes a snapshot of state-level educator retention data in our Educator Retention Briefs. These short (1-3 page) briefs contain graphics that provide an accessible look at retention rates for teachers and leaders across DC schools.