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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall: 15670 NE 85th St; Remote: Comcast Ch. 21/321, Ziply Ch. 34, Facebook (@CityofRedmond),, or 510-335-7371
Business Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
SPC 25-022 A.Special Orders of the DayPRESENTATION: OneRedmond Annual Reportpresented  Action details Not available
SPC 25-023 1.MinutesApproval of the Minutes: March 3, 2025, Special Meeting, and March 4, 2025, Regular Meeting, (recordings are available at  Action details Not available
SPC 25-024 2.Check RegisterApproval of Payroll/Direct Deposit and Claims Checksapproved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-031 3.Consent ItemApproval of OneRedmond Contracts for Economic Development and Business Relations Services in the Amount of $300,000 for 2025 and 2026approved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-033 5.Consent ItemAcceptance of Grant funding for the 154th Ave Pavement Management (Redmond Way to NE 85th Street) Project, in the Amount of $1,445,000approved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-034 6.Consent ItemAcceptance of the High School Creek Watershed Stormwater Retrofit Planning Grant, in the Amount of $338,603, from the Washington Department of Ecologyapproved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-035 7.Consent ItemApproval of a Consultant Agreement with Osborn Consulting, in the Amount of $397,169, for High School Creek Watershed Stormwater Retrofit Planapproved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-036 8.Consent ItemApproval of Supplemental Agreement to Contract with Perteet, in the Amount of $111,110, for the NE 70th Shared Use Path Projectapproved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-037 9.Consent ItemApproval of a Federal Lobbyist Contract with Holland & Knight in the Amount of $120,000approved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-038 10.Consent ItemAdoption of a Resolution for the Transportation Benefit District Material Change Policy a. Resolution No. 1600: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Redmond, Washington, Adopting a Transportation Benefit District Material Change Policyapproved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-039 11.Consent ItemApproval of the 2025-26 Budget and Work Program for A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH), and, Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Allocation of $1,056,800 to A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) for the Development of Affordable Housing a. Resolution No. 1601: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Redmond, Washington, Authorizing the Duly-Appointed Administering Agency for A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) to Execute all Documents Necessary to Enter into Agreements for the Funding of Affordable Housing Projects, as Recommended by the ARCH Executive Board, Utilizing Funds from the City’s Housing Trust Fundapproved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-040 12.Consent ItemApproval of the Redmond 2050: Transportation Facilities Plan Correction a. Ordinance No. 3209: An Ordinance of the City of Redmond, Washington, Repealing and Re-Adopting the 2024-2050 Transportation Facilities Plan in Order to Correct Inadvertent Omissions, Providing for Severability, and Establishing an Effective Dateapproved  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-032 4.Consent ItemApproval of a Consultant Agreement with KPFF for Engineering Services for the 156th Ave Shared Use Path Project, in an Amount Not to Exceed $900,000adopted as amended  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-041 a.Staff ReportTeen Services Transitionpresented  Action details Not available
SPC 25-026 A.Verbal ReportConsideration of an Appeal Regarding Exclusion from Attendance at Council Meetingsdenied  Action details Not available