Performance Parking Pilot

Find Cheaper, More Available Parking

Real-time space/price info


 County Interactive Meter Rate Map


 ParkMobile: Website | AppStore | Google Play | How-to Video


 eXactnav: Website | AppStore | Google Play | How-to Video


 CurbIQ: Website | How-to Video

Signage to Help You Park in the Performance Parking Pilot Corridors

Arlington County is testing new digital signage to direct you to real-time information about available metered parking spaces. ppp screen Jan25.JPG

The first two signs were installed in the Courthouse neighborhood: 

  1. Corner of N Courthouse Rd & 13th St N (you will see this sign if you are heading north on N Courthouse Rd)
  2. Corner of Clarendon Blvd and N Barton St (you will see this sign if you are heading east on Clarendon Blvd)

We will be installing more signs in additional neighborhoods within the Performance Parking Pilot project corridors and testing different formats and layouts. Here is an infographic for the current format that explains each part of the signage:


Let us know what you think of the new digital signs and the project overall at the feedback form below. 

Other Data Tools

  • Public Dashboard: Examine parking trends by area, month, day, hour
  • API: For the tech-savvy, an API to access real-time event data feed
  • Open Date Portal: Historical County parking trend and policy data available via an open API (search for "performance parking")

Arlington is piloting a system that combines occupancy technology and pricing tools to provide better information on parking availability and influence demand for metered curb space in the County's two busiest corridors.

Parking prices vary throughout the study area and by time, with the actual parking price noted at the meter. Drivers should plan by viewing price and availability in advance of their trip on ParkMobile, eXactnav, or CurbIQ, as well as the interactive price map.

Tell Us What You Think

Share Feedback on the Performance Parking Pilot

Learn more about public engagement elements in the Public Process section below.

About This Pilot Project

Arlington's Performance Parking Pilot Project seeks to improve the user experience by: 

  • making metered parking spaces more available, more often Wilson small.jpg
  • sharing useful information about parking options in real time
  • reducing the negative impacts associated with the search for metered parking (cruising, double parking, going somewhere else to do business, etc.).

Pilot Map - Project Corridors

The pilot project includes about 4,500 metered parking spaces located in two County Planning corridors: Rosslyn-Ballston and Richmond Highway. Most of the spaces included in the pilot will be on-street parking.

The pilot project kicked off in early 2023 and will last three years, during which the following will take place:

  • Year 1: System design, installation, testing, and initial data collection
  • Years 2 and 3: Data collection and pricing calibration on a quarterly basis

Community outreach and engagement occur throughout all three years of the pilot project.

The pilot uses in-ground sensors to provide real-time occupancy information for each of the parking spaces included in the project area. The sensors can detect the presence or absence of a vehicle, and duration-of-stay can be calculated. No camera technology is being used, and no personally-identifying information can be collected by the system.

Project Basis & Background

The County’s Master Transportation Plan (MTP) Parking and Curbside Element, Policy 5 states that Transportation Staff should “Utilize parking meter pricing strategies that vary by hour and location to better match parking availability and demand.” 

In order to meet this Board-adopted transportation policy, the Parking team, part of the Transportation, Engineering & Operations Bureau, applied for and received a $5.4 million grant from the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Innovation and Technology Transportation Fund to install and test technology that would allow staff to make changes to the price of parking across the metered parking network to encourage more efficient use of the system. This pilot project allows the Parking team to test the efficacy of this technology and determine if it is the right way to achieve the MTP’s stated goals.

Project Goals

The goals of the pilot project, as stated in the grant application submitted to VDOT for funding, are as follows:

  • On-street parking is easier to find on block faces with high parking demand than it is today.
  • More people choose to park on block faces where demand is low today.
  • Fewer instances of double parking occur, freeing up travel lanes and reducing conflicts
  • Drivers spend less time looking for on-street parking.
  • Drivers perceive that they spend less time looking for on-street parking.
  • Members of the public perceive that they have better on-street parking information.
  • Vehicle miles travelled resulting from on-street parking search or “cruising” are reduced in the areas with the system.
  • Mobile emissions from vehicles are reduced in the areas with the system as a result of reduced vehicle miles travelled.
  • Ensuring throughout this process, that community engagement is equitable and inclusive.

Note: these goals are not listed in order of priority, and the first opportunity for public engagement will center on identifying community preferences for prioritizing these goals.

What This Project Does Not Do

The project does not:

  • Seek to increase overall parking revenue. 
  • Increase all metered parking rates across the board.
  • Decrease the number of reserved ADA-accessible parking spaces. 
  • Create dynamically or fast-changing metered pricing (i.e., it is not like the HOT lanes). 


Public Process 

The three-year pilot project aims to improve the user experience for metered parking spaces in two key commercial-residential corridors in Arlington. A recording of the February 2023 public kick-off meeting and an online feedback form are available for exploring this unique project further.

Spring-Summer 2023 - Kick-Off and Community Goals

For more information on this pilot project, review our FAQs.

Spring-Summer 2023: Prioritizing Community Goals

The project team kicked off the pilot project in 2023 by introducing the project team, sharing goals and covering the basics of the technology and tools that will be used to meet those goals.

Read the Engagement Summary

Community Kick-Off Meeting, Feb. 23, 2023

Watch the Virtual Kick-Off Meeting | Meeting Slides

Online Feedback Form

An online feedback form was available for six months, from February through July 2023. This feedback helped us prioritize the goals of the Performance Parking Pilot Project as we installed the system, and informed the next steps for the project.

Presentations to Groups

  • Transportation Commission, Meeting Recording, Feb. 2
  • Rosslyn BID Staff Introduction Call, Feb. 6
  • Chamber Staff Introduction Call, Feb. 7
  • Latino Economic Development Center Call, Feb. 7
  • Arlington Community Federal Credit Union Call, Feb. 8
  • Disability Advisory Commission, Meeting Recording, Feb. 21
  • Ballston BID, Feb. 22
  • National Landing BID Roundtable, March 22
  • CC/PC Transportation Open House, March 27
  • Planning Commission, Meeting Recording (starting at approx. 05:00), April 10
  • Information Technology Advisory Commission, Meeting Recording, May 24
  • Chamber Government Affairs Subcommittee Meeting, June 21

Fall-Winter 2023 - What We Learned, What Comes Next

For more information on this pilot project, review our FAQs.

Project Update Video

Following the installation of the sensor network, the completion of public outreach and engagement, and in preparation for the next phase of the pilot project, the team has prepared a Project Update Video to share an overview of the latest information on the Performance Pilot Project. In the recording below, you'll learn more about:

  • What we heard in community and business outreach
  • What we've learned so far from our data collection
  • How we're using this data to propose changes to metered parking in the pilot corridors
  • What comes next for the pilot

Watch the Video

Project Open House Meeting: Dec. 6, 2023

The project team held an in-person open house at the Navy League Building to share what we've learned so far and next steps for the Performance Parking Pilot Project. 

Learn more

Meeting Resources

Presentations to Groups

Links to recordings and slides as presented will be linked as they become available.

2024 events on next tab

Winter-Fall 2024 - Price Changes Phase

  • Open House 2 - 251 S 18th St Crystal City, Feb. 5, 2024
  • Transportation Commission Meeting #3, Feb. 8: Meeting RecordingSlide Presentation(PDF, 1MB)
  • Ballston BID Property Manager's Luncheon Presentation #1, Feb. 14
  • Chamber Government Affairs Subcommittee Meeting #2, Feb. 21
  • NLBID 23rd St Subcommitttee Meeting, Feb. 22
  • Clarendon Alliance Exec Director Introduction Call, April 10
  • Commission on Aging Meeting #1, June 17: Slide Presentation(PDF, 3MB)
  • Ballston Property Manager's Luncheon Presentation #2, Aug. 21
  • 55+ Program Presentation: "Performance Parking 101," Sept. 10: Slide Presentation(PDF, 2MB)
  • ITS DC Conference 2024 Presentation to Industry on PPP Project, Sept. 26
  • Code the Curb, Nov. 16

Winter-Spring 2025 - "One Year In" Analysis Update to Stakeholders

  • Disability Advisory Commission Meeting #3, Feb. 17, 2025: Slide Presentation(PDF, 4MB)
  • Chamber Government Affairs Subcommittee Meeting #3, Feb. 19
  • Information Technology Advisory Committee Meeting #3, Feb. 26
  • Transportation Commission Meeting #4, March 13
  • Commission on Aging Meeting #2, April 21
  • Ballston BID Property Manager's Luncheon Presentation #3, April 24


In November 2024, the project team partnered with Northeastern University Arlington to host a data tool showcase where participants used the Performance Parking Pilot project's API to demonstrate how visualization and data tools can improve the parking experience in Arlington County.

Recap - Code the Curb: A Parking Data Hack Showcase


The project is funded by a Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Innovation and Technology Transportation Fund grant.