The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center is committed to testing – and eventually scaling – innovative payment models that meet the statutory goals of reducing program spending while maintaining or improving quality of care.
Consistent with achieving that mission, the Innovation Center has completed a comprehensive and data-driven review of our model portfolio based on the clear statutory mandate given to the Center by Congress. Based on the review’s findings, CMS has identified models that will conclude as scheduled and others that will end early by December 31, 2025 - saving the American taxpayer almost $750,000,000. CMS will help participants in the selected models to minimize disruption to their operations and the beneficiaries they serve.
The Innovation Center plans to announce a new strategy based on guiding principles to make Americans healthier by preventing disease through evidence-based practices, empowering people with information to make better decisions, and driving choice and competition. This announcement streamlines the focus of CMMI’s models and will help build a health system that improves quality and lowers costs while helping Americans live healthier lives.