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SUN Bucks 2025

Sun Bucks Graphics 2025

Need help buying food for your children when school is out for summer?

Learn how the Kansas SUN Bucks program can help you!

SUN Bucks, also known as Summer EBT, is a program to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer. Families will get a one-time benefit of $120 per year for each eligible child to help buy groceries during the summer months. Children who get SUN Bucks can still participate in other summer meal programs. Receiving SUN Bucks will not affect children or families’ immigration status. 

If a child’s household did not receive a letter from DCF in January 2025 regarding SUN Bucks eligibility, they can apply through the DCF self-service portal at beginning Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025

SUN Bucks benefits will be issued beginning in April 2025.
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  • SUN Bucks, also known as Summer EBT, is a permanent federal program administered by the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) to help families buy food for their eligible school-aged children during the summer. Families will get one-time benefit of $120 per year for each eligible child to buy groceries. These benefits are issued as a single lump sum payment​. SUN Bucks benefits can be used to buy food like fruits, vegetables, meat, whole grains, and dairy at grocery stores, farmers markets, and other places that accept SNAP EBT benefits.

    SUN Bucks serves students who qualify for free and reduced-price school meals or whose household income meets the eligibility for free and reduced-price school meals. Some families will get benefits automatically without applying, while some eligible families need to apply to receive benefits.

    SUN Bucks benefits are issued as a single lump sum payment one time per year. The benefit amount is subject to change each year in tandem with the USDA’s Thrifty Food Plan. The amount will be announced in January of each year.

  • There are several ways a child can be eligible for SUN Bucks. Children who meet at least one of the categories below at any point since July 2024 are eligible for SUN Bucks.

    • Children aged 7 to 17 in a household where someone has received Food Assistance or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) at any point since July 2024.
      • ​These children should receive SUN Bucks automatically and do NOT need to apply.
      • These Children can be in any type of schooling situation, including children who are homeschooled, in virtual school, in private school, etc.
      • Households with an eligible child will receive a letter from DCF in January 2025 notifying them that their child is eligible for SUN Bucks. Benefits will be issued in April 2025.
      • If a child’s household did not receive a letter from DCF in January 2025 regarding SUN Bucks eligibility, they can apply through the DCF self-service portal at beginning Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025. 
    • Children enrolled in a Kansas school and have been approved for free or reduced-price school lunch (FRSL) at any point since July 2024.
      • ​These children may receive SUN Bucks automatically.
      • Households with at least one approved eligible child will receive a letter from DCF in January 2025 notifying them that their child is eligible for SUN Bucks. Benefits will be issued in April 2025.
    • Children enrolled in a Kansas school that offers the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program AND live in a household that met income requirements for free or reduced-price school meals at any point since July 2024 BUT have not been determined eligible for free or reduced-price meals by their school.
      • ​This may include children who attend school that serve meals at no cost to all students and do not collect income eligibility applications.
      • Income eligibility guidelines can be found at
      • These children will need to apply for SUN Bucks no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025 if they do not qualify based on one of the other categories. To apply for SUN Bucks beginning Monday, Jan. 27, 2025, visit the online self-service portal,​.
    • Children in the custody of the DCF Secretary and enrolled in a Kansas school are eligible for a one-time SUN Bucks benefit of $120. Relatives, non-related kin, and foster homes will need to submit a SUN Bucks application for children in their care after April 1, 2025, so the benefit can be issued to the correct address. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025.
  • Many families will automatically get benefits without needing to apply. Households with an eligible child who can be identified by DCF will receive a letter from DCF in January 2025 notifying them that their child is eligible for SUN Bucks. These households do not need to apply. Beginning in April 2025, SUN Bucks benefits will be issued as a one-time payment of $120 per eligible child​ to an existing household Kansas Benefits Card (also known as an EBT card) or loaded onto a Kansas Benefits Card and mailed to their home. 

    If a child's household ​did not receive a letter from DCF in January 2025 regarding SUN Bucks eligibility, they can apply through the DCF self-service portal at​ beginning Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025. SUN Bucks benefits will be issued beginning in April 2025 

    Children in the custody of the DCF Secretary and enrolled in a Kansas school are eligible for a one-time SUN Bucks benefit of $120. Relatives, non-related kin, and foster homes will need to submit a SUN Bucks application for children in their care after April 1, 2025, so the benefit can be issued to the correct address. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025.​

  • When applying for SUN Bucks, the household will need to provide information about the child including their age, birth date, school, mailing address, and their household income. Social Security Numbers (SSN), proof of citizenship, and proof of income like paystubs is NOT needed to apply for SUN Bucks.​

  • In Kansas, SUN Bucks benefits will be added as a one-time payment of $120 per eligible child​ to an existing household Kansas Benefits Card (also known as an EBT card) or loaded onto a Kansas Benefits Card and mailed to the child’s home.​

    SUN Bucks benefits can be used just like DCF Food Assistance benefits to buy food like fruits, vegetables, meat, whole grains, and dairy at grocery stores, farmers markets, and other places that accept SNAP EBT benefits.  A full list of foods that can be purchased using SUN Bucks benefits can be found at What Can SNAP Buy? | Food and Nutrition Service (​.

    SUN Bucks benefits will not be issued until after April 2025.​

  • SUN Bucks is a one-time benefit of $120 per year for each eligible child to help purchase groceries during the summer months.​ SUN Bucks benefits are issued as a single lump sum payment each year. SUN Bucks benefits will not be issued until after April 2025.

    The SUN Bucks benefit amount is subject to change each year in tandem with the USDA’s Thrify Food Plan. The amount will be announced in January of each year​.

  • If a child in the household is eligible to receive SUN Bucks automatically, the household will receive a letter from DCF in January 2025. SUN Bucks is a one-time benefit of $120 per year for each eligible child that will be added to the Kansas Benefits Card at the end of April 2025.

    If a household applies for SUN Bucks benefits before April 1, 2025, and a child in the household is determined eligible, a one-time benefit of $120 per eligible child will be added to the existing household Kansas Benefits Card or loaded onto a Kansas Benefits Card and mailed to the home at the end of April 2025.

    If a household applies after April 1, 2025, a one-time benefit of $120 per eligible child will be added to the existing household Kansas Benefits Card or loaded onto a Kansas Benefits Card and mailed to the home once the child has been determined eligible for SUN Bucks.

    Applications for SUN Bucks can be submitted through the self-service portal at​ beginning Monday, Jan. 27, 2025​. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025.​

  • SUN Bucks benefits can be used at any store that accepts SNAP EBT benefits. This includes farmers markets and online retailers that accept SNAP EBT.​

  • SUN Bucks benefits will be available for 122 days from the date they were issued to the Kansas Benefits Card. The date of issuance is the date on the Notice of Action letter the household receives from DCF when their benefits are approved.

    If a household is receiving DCF Food Assistance benefits, the SUN Bucks benefits will be spent first from the Kansas Benefits Card.

    Unused SUN Bucks benefits will be removed from the card after 122 days.​

  • No. Receiving SUN Bucks does not affect the immigration status of any household member or make them a public charge.​

  • ​No. Receiving SUN Bucks should not impact your eligibility for other programs. SUN Bucks benefits do not need to be reported as income for other DCF benefit.

    Children can participate in SUN Bucks AND Summer Food Service Programs offered in their community. Families are encouraged to use both of these great resources!

  • Households can update their address by calling DCF Customer Service at 1.888.369.4777 or through the DCF self-service portal at​.

  • Many families will automatically get benefits without needing to apply. There are several ways a child can be eligible for SUN Bucks. See Who is eligible for SUN Bucks? for additional eligibility information.

  • If a child’s household did not receive a letter from DCF in January 2025 regarding SUN Bucks eligibility, they can apply through the DCF self-service portal at​ beginning Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025. SUN Bucks benefits will be issued beginning in April 2025. 

    If a child’s household applied for SUN Bucks and were denied benefits, but believe their child is eligible, they can call DCF Customer Service at 1.888.369.4777. If the household disagrees with DCF’s eligibility determination they will be able to file an appeal through the local DCF office.​

  • SUN Bucks is a one-time benefit of $120 per year for each eligible child that is​ available to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer. SUN Bucks benefits can be used just like DCF Food Assistance benefits to buy food like fruits, vegetables, meat, whole grains, and dairy at grocery stores, farmers markets, online retailers, and other places that accept SNAP EBT benefits. A full list of foods that can be purchased using SUN Bucks benefits can be found at What Can SNAP Buy? | Food and Nutrition Service (​.

    SUN Bucks benefits are non-transferrable. Selling, trading, or giving your EBT benefits to someone not in your Food Assistance household is illegal. If you receive a Kansas Benefits Card in the mail and do not want benefits, please destroy the card.​

  • Children who get SUN Bucks benefits can still participate in other summer meal programs offered in their community.

  • No. If a child in the household is eligible to receive SUN Bucks automatically, the household will receive a letter from DCF in January 2025. A one-time SUN Bucks benefit of $120 per year for each eligible child will be added to the Kansas Benefits Card at the end of April 2025.

    If a household applies for SUN Bucks benefits before April 1, 2025, and a child in the household is determined eligible, a one-time SUN Bucks benefit of $120 per eligible child will be added to the existing household Kansas Benefits Card or loaded onto a Kansas Benefits Card and mailed to the home at the end of April 2025.​ 

    If a household applies after April 1, 2025, a one-time SUN Bucks benefit of $120 per eligible child will be added to the existing household Kansas Benefits Card or loaded onto a Kansas Benefits Card and mailed to the home once the child has been determined eligible for SUN Bucks.​

    ​Applications for SUN Bucks can be submitted through the self-service portal at​ beginning Monday, Jan. 27, 2025​. Applications for 2025 SUN Bucks must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2025.

    For questions about SUN Bucks benefits or their issuance, please call DCF Customer Service at 1.888.369.4777.

  • SUN Bucks, also known as Summer EBT, is a permanent federal program that will provide benefits for eligible children each summer. 

    SUN Bucks serves students who qualify for free and reduced-price school meals or whose household income meets the eligibility for free and reduced-price school meals. Some families will get benefits automatically without applying, while some eligible families need to apply to receive benefits. 

    SUN Bucks benefits are issued as a single lump sum payment. The benefit amount is subject to change each year in tandem with the USDA’s Thrifty Food Plan. The amount will be announced in January of each year.​

  • For other questions, please contact DCF Customer Service at 1.888.369.4777.​


Outreach Materials​


Social Media Materials

The images below can be downloaded and used to share SUN Bucks information on your social media accounts. Example text is also provided.  





Copy Option 1SUN Bucks is a program that provides a $120 one-time benefit for eligible children and their families to help purchase groceries during the summer months. 

The application period is open Jan. 27, 2025, through 5 p.m. Aug. 29, 2025.

Learn more about SUN Bucks at:

Copy Option 2: Need help purchasing groceries for your children during the summer? The SUN Bucks program is a $120 one-time benefit per eligible child to help Kansas families.

The application period opens on Jan. 27 and is open until 5 p.m., Aug. 29, 2025. 

Learn more at: 

Copy Option 3: The SUN Bucks application for 2025 is open now until 5 p.m., Aug. 29, 2025. 

If your child meets the eligibility requirements, you could receive a $120 one-time benefit (per eligible child) to help purchase groceries during the summer months.

Learn more at:


Coordinated Services Plan Waiver Request Form (Coordinated Services Plan Waiver Request Form (

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