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Community Outreach

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We can end gun violence in Maryland, but it's going to take all of us – law enforcement, community organizations, and private citizens – working together. 

Our office is partnering with organizations across the state to find a balance of prevention, intervention, and strategic law enforcement to improve safety in our communities.

Learn more about ending gun violence


Upcoming Community Outreach events
09/22/2023Mt. Rainier PSN
09/22/2023Elder Justice Picnic
09/23/2023Human Trafficking Youth Empowerment Summit
09/28/2023VOA Reentry Resource Fair
09/30/2023Western Maryland Reentry Resource Fair
10/11/2023Baltimore Reentry Resource Fair
10/17/2023Community Walk at The Avenue Market


Community involvement is essential to preventing and fighting crime.  The U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to working with communities in Maryland on initiatives related to enforcement, prevention, and assisting victims and witnesses.  We can assist local communities and groups in identifying federal and state grant resources; provide guest speakers on a wide variety of public safety issues; and help connect individuals and groups to public and private services to assist and protect their communities.  For information on any of our community outreach programs, or for questions, please contact: Jeffrey Shorter, Community Outreach Specialist, at 410-209-4832 or


Additional internet safety resources:

FBI Safe Online Surfing (SOS) Program

NetSmartz – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children online safety education program to other government and non-government sites will typically appear with the “external link” icon to indicate that you are leaving the Department of Justice website when you click the link.


Save A Life - Opioid Abuse

Opioids are a class of drugs that includes heroin, as well as powerful pain relievers such as oxycodone (Oxycontin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), fentanyl, methadone, and many others.  Overdose injuries and deaths are increasing dramatically in all communities across Maryland.  Help is available.  For more information on opioid abuse and where you can find help, click on the following link:

Save A Life


Fraud, Scams, and Identity Theft

Consumer fraud and scams target your money, property, or other assets, and can reach you through the phone, mail, e-mail, or over the internet. They can occur in person, at home, or at a business.  Identity theft is a type of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.             

Information on common frauds and scams available at the following links: to other government and non-government sites will typically appear with the “external link” icon to indicate that you are leaving the Department of Justice website when you click the link. to other government and non-government sites will typically appear with the “external link” icon to indicate that you are leaving the Department of Justice website when you click the link.

Identity theft PSAs are also available to promote awareness of health care, senior and child identity theft, and to offer tips to protect yourself and others against identity theft. These PSAs can be viewed or downloaded using the following links:


Reentry Resources

The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Maryland recognizes the importance of assisting offenders with successful reentry back into the community.  The primary focus of our reentry efforts is to remove or reduce barriers to successful reentry, so that motivated individuals can compete for a job, attain stable housing, support their families, and contribute to their communities.  

For more information on available reentry resources in your community, click here:


Updated February 21, 2025