OR 126 will be repaved between the City of Redmond and the Powell Butte Highway to improve safety and extend the life of the roadway. The western most project limits are within the City of Redmond and will also receive ADA curb ramp upgrades, sidewalk infill, an improved pedestrian crossing, transit stop, and storm water improvements. Signing and striping will also be upgraded throughout the project and a new TripCheck camera will be installed at the intersection of OR 126 and Powell Butte Highway. The N. Unit Canal Bridge at MP 3 and COID Canal Bridge at MP 10.5 will be widened, and new bridge rails and guardrails will be installed.
OR 126
OR 126 between Redmond and Powell Butte Highway
Cost and Funding
$13.6 million
Marcum & Sons
The pavement on this section of OR 126 is in poor condition, with cracking, patches and potholes. There are gaps in the bike and pedestrian system, and ADA ramps are lacking.
The project will improve safety and extend the life of the pavement surface between Redmond and Powell Butte Highway. Benefits include Improving travel for all road users including motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and persons with disabilities. Sidewalk infill and ADA curb ramp upgrades will provide continuous accessible pedestrian facilities in the urban section of the project. Bridge widening and guardrail upgrades will improve safety and mobility of the highway at both bridges.