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Baton of Hope 2025

The Baton of Hope is the UK's largest suicide prevention initiative and is part of a growing movement working towards a zero-suicide society. You can read more about the vision and mission on the Baton of Hope website

In 2025 the Baton of Hope will tour the UK, with the aim of opening up a national conversation about suicide, to reduce stigma and to create unity with the suicide prevention community. 

On 2nd October 2025 the Baton of Hope will come to Herefordshire. 

There are plenty of ways to get involved, from supporting on the day, to creating and coordinating events in your local community, to becoming better informed about suicide prevention. Find out more below!

Become a Baton-bearer!

We are seeking Baton-bearers – individuals who have been personally affected by suicide, whether through their own experiences or the loss of a loved one. Baton-bearers play a vital role in this initiative, and we invite you or anyone you know who might be interested to participate in this special day dedicated to changing the narrative surrounding suicide.

To find out more, or to apply to become a Baton-bearer visit the Baton of Hope website. Applications close on 31st March 2025.

coming soon!

Follow Baton of Hope Herefordshire on Facebook for updates. 

You can support the Baton of Hope Hereford by attending the relay!

Route map coming soon

coming soon

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